UniProtKB 48 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
P00687AMY1_MOUSEAlpha-amylase 1Amy1, Amy-1-a, Amy1aMus musculus (Mouse)511 AA
P12791CP2BA_MOUSECytochrome P450 2B10Cyp2b10, Cyp2b-10, Cyp2b20Mus musculus (Mouse)500 AA
P70172NTCP2_MOUSEIleal sodium/bile acid cotransporterSlc10a2, Ntcp2Mus musculus (Mouse)348 AA
P01942HBA_MOUSEHemoglobin subunit alphaHba, Hba-a1Mus musculus (Mouse)142 AA
P35230REG3B_MOUSERegenerating islet-derived protein 3-betaReg3b, Pap, Pap1Mus musculus (Mouse)175 AA
Q8BTY1KAT1_MOUSEKynurenine--oxoglutarate transaminase 1Kyat1, Ccbl1, KatMus musculus (Mouse)424 AA
P11672NGAL_MOUSENeutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalinLcn2Mus musculus (Mouse)200 AA
P17892LIPR2_MOUSEPancreatic lipase-related protein 2Pnliprp2, Plrp2Mus musculus (Mouse)482 AA
D3YXG0HMCN1_MOUSEHemicentin-1Hmcn1Mus musculus (Mouse)5,634 AA
Q6NS52DGKB_MOUSEDiacylglycerol kinase betaDgkb, Kiaa0718Mus musculus (Mouse)802 AA
E9Q9A9OAS2_MOUSE2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthase 2Oas2, oasl11Mus musculus (Mouse)742 AA
Q62293TGTP1_MOUSET-cell-specific guanine nucleotide triphosphate-binding protein 1Tgtp1, Ifggb5, Irgb6, Mg21Mus musculus (Mouse)415 AA
Q99J87DHX58_MOUSEATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX58Dhx58, D11lgp2e, Lgp2Mus musculus (Mouse)678 AA
Q9ET01PYGL_MOUSEGlycogen phosphorylase, liver formPyglMus musculus (Mouse)850 AA
A0A140LIF8IRGM2_MOUSEImmunity-related GTPase family M protein 2Irgm2, Iigp2Mus musculus (Mouse)395 AA
Q8CFB4GBP5_MOUSEGuanylate-binding protein 5Gbp5Mus musculus (Mouse)590 AA
O09049REG3G_MOUSERegenerating islet-derived protein 3-gammaReg3g, Pap3Mus musculus (Mouse)174 AA
Q9JLB4CUBN_MOUSECubilinCubn, IfcrMus musculus (Mouse)3,623 AA
Q9Z2V4PCKGC_MOUSEPhosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, cytosolic [GTP]Pck1, PepckMus musculus (Mouse)622 AA
O08900IKZF3_MOUSEZinc finger protein AiolosIkzf3, Zfpn1a3, Znfn1a3Mus musculus (Mouse)507 AA
P15533TR30A_MOUSETripartite motif-containing protein 30ATrim30a, Rpt-1, Rpt1, Trim30Mus musculus (Mouse)496 AA
Q921I1TRFE_MOUSESerotransferrinTf, TrfMus musculus (Mouse)697 AA
Q05421CP2E1_MOUSECytochrome P450 2E1Cyp2e1, Cyp2e, Cyp2e-1Mus musculus (Mouse)493 AA
P09803CADH1_MOUSECadherin-1Cdh1Mus musculus (Mouse)884 AA
P13516ACOD1_MOUSEAcyl-CoA desaturase 1Scd1Mus musculus (Mouse)355 AA
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