UniProtKB 3,200 results
Group by Gene Ontology
UniProtKB Entries
Gene Ontology
- 3,200Top level
- 200ATP-dependent activityGene Ontology ID:GO:0140657
- 137ATP hydrolysis activity50%
- 25ATP-dependent activity, acting on DNA9%
- 8ATP-dependent activity, acting on RNA3%
- 1ATP-dependent FeS chaperone activity<1%
- 4ATP-dependent peptidase activity1%
- 3ATP-dependent protein folding chaperone1%
- 1ATPase regulator activity<1%
- 53ATPase-coupled transmembrane transporter activity19%
- 3fatty acid ligase activity1%
- 31helicase activity11%
- 3positive regulation of ATP-dependent activity1%
- 4regulation of ATP-dependent activity1%
- 1ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme activity<1%