UniProtKB 18,934 results
Group by Gene Ontology
UniProtKB Entries
Gene Ontology
- 18,934Top level
- 427vesicle-mediated transportGene Ontology ID:GO:0016192
- 9cargo adaptor activity2%
- 2cargo receptor activity<1%
- 35endocytosis6%
- 80endosomal transport14%
- 5endosome to lysosome transport1%
- 23exocytosis4%
- 166Golgi vesicle transport29%
- 41late endosome to vacuole transport7%
- 37multivesicular body sorting pathway7%
- 8regulation of vesicle-mediated transport1%
- 10SNARE complex disassembly2%
- 2transcytosis<1%
- 28vesicle budding from membrane5%
- 10vesicle cargo loading2%
- 26vesicle docking5%
- 43vesicle fusion8%
- 13vesicle targeting2%
- 28vesicle-mediated transport to the plasma membrane5%