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UniProtKB 27 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
P98164LRP2_HUMANLow-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 2LRP2Homo sapiens (Human)4,655 AA
Q01721GAS1_MOUSEGrowth arrest-specific protein 1Gas1, Gas-1Mus musculus (Mouse)343 AA
Q32MD9CDON_MOUSECell adhesion molecule-related/down-regulated by oncogenesCdon, CdoMus musculus (Mouse)1,250 AA
Q640N2AR13B_MOUSEADP-ribosylation factor-like protein 13BArl13b, Arl2l1Mus musculus (Mouse)427 AA
E9PVX6KI67_MOUSEProliferation marker protein Ki-67Mki67Mus musculus (Mouse)3,177 AA
P13297MSX1_MOUSEHomeobox protein MSX-1Msx1, Hox7, Hox7.1Mus musculus (Mouse)303 AA
P15409OPSD_MOUSERhodopsinRhoMus musculus (Mouse)348 AA
Q61412VSX2_MOUSEVisual system homeobox 2Vsx2, Chx10Mus musculus (Mouse)361 AA
Q62520ZIC2_MOUSEZinc finger protein ZIC 2Zic2Mus musculus (Mouse)530 AA
Q63934PO4F2_MOUSEPOU domain, class 4, transcription factor 2Pou4f2, Brn-3.2, Brn3bMus musculus (Mouse)411 AA
P21275BMP4_MOUSEBone morphogenetic protein 4Bmp4, Bmp-4, Dvr-4Mus musculus (Mouse)408 AA
P47806GLI1_MOUSEZinc finger protein GLI1Gli1, GliMus musculus (Mouse)1,111 AA
P56726SMO_MOUSEProtein smoothenedSmo, SmohMus musculus (Mouse)793 AA
Q61115PTC1_MOUSEProtein patched homolog 1Ptch1, PtchMus musculus (Mouse)1,434 AA
P28047WNT7B_MOUSEProtein Wnt-7bWnt7b, Wnt-7bMus musculus (Mouse)349 AA
P48432SOX2_MOUSETranscription factor SOX-2Sox2, Sox-2Mus musculus (Mouse)319 AA
Q6DID7WLS_MOUSEProtein wntless homologWls, Gpr177Mus musculus (Mouse)541 AA
A2ARV4LRP2_MOUSELow-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 2Lrp2Mus musculus (Mouse)4,660 AA
P35428HES1_MOUSETranscription factor HES-1Hes1, Hes-1Mus musculus (Mouse)282 AA
P80205OTX1_MOUSEHomeobox protein OTX1Otx1, Otx-1Mus musculus (Mouse)355 AA
P97474PITX2_MOUSEPituitary homeobox 2Pitx2, Arp1, Brx1, Otlx2, Ptx2, Rgs, RiegMus musculus (Mouse)317 AA
P97812IHH_MOUSEIndian hedgehog proteinIhhMus musculus (Mouse)411 AA
Q0VGT2GLI2_MOUSEZinc finger protein GLI2Gli2, ThpMus musculus (Mouse)1,544 AA
Q62226SHH_MOUSESonic hedgehog proteinShh, Hhg1Mus musculus (Mouse)437 AA
Q6AZB0BOC_MOUSEBrother of CDOBocMus musculus (Mouse)1,110 AA
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