UniProtKB 21 results

P0CG48UBC_HUMANPolyubiquitin-CUBCHomo sapiens (Human)685 AA
P62987RL40_HUMANUbiquitin-ribosomal protein eL40 fusion proteinUBA52, UBCEP2Homo sapiens (Human)128 AA
Q99814EPAS1_HUMANEndothelial PAS domain-containing protein 1EPAS1, BHLHE73, HIF2A, MOP2, PASD2Homo sapiens (Human)870 AA
P0CG47UBB_HUMANPolyubiquitin-BUBBHomo sapiens (Human)229 AA
P61077UB2D3_HUMANUbiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 D3UBE2D3, UBC5C, UBCH5CHomo sapiens (Human)147 AA
P62877RBX1_HUMANE3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RBX1RBX1, RNF75, ROC1Homo sapiens (Human)108 AA
P62837UB2D2_HUMANUbiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 D2UBE2D2, PUBC1, UBC4, UBC5B, UBCH4, UBCH5BHomo sapiens (Human)147 AA
Q9Y2N7HIF3A_HUMANHypoxia-inducible factor 3-alphaHIF3A, BHLHE17, MOP7, PASD7Homo sapiens (Human)669 AA
P51668UB2D1_HUMANUbiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 D1UBE2D1, SFT, UBC5A, UBCH5, UBCH5AHomo sapiens (Human)147 AA
P62979RS27A_HUMANUbiquitin-ribosomal protein eS31 fusion proteinRPS27A, UBA80, UBCEP1Homo sapiens (Human)156 AA
Q15369ELOC_HUMANElongin-CELOC, TCEB1Homo sapiens (Human)112 AA
Q9UGP4LIMD1_HUMANLIM domain-containing protein 1LIMD1Homo sapiens (Human)676 AA
A6NIX2WTIP_HUMANWilms tumor protein 1-interacting proteinWTIPHomo sapiens (Human)430 AA
Q15370ELOB_HUMANElongin-BELOB, TCEB2Homo sapiens (Human)118 AA
Q9GZT9EGLN1_HUMANEgl nine homolog 1EGLN1, C1orf12, PNAS-118, PNAS-137Homo sapiens (Human)426 AA
P40337VHL_HUMANvon Hippel-Lindau disease tumor suppressorVHLHomo sapiens (Human)213 AA
Q13617CUL2_HUMANCullin-2CUL2Homo sapiens (Human)745 AA
Q96IF1AJUBA_HUMANLIM domain-containing protein ajubaAJUBA, JUBHomo sapiens (Human)538 AA
Q96KS0EGLN2_HUMANProlyl hydroxylase EGLN2EGLN2, EIT6Homo sapiens (Human)407 AA
Q9H6Z9EGLN3_HUMANProlyl hydroxylase EGLN3EGLN3Homo sapiens (Human)239 AA
Q16665HIF1A_HUMANHypoxia-inducible factor 1-alphaHIF1A, BHLHE78, MOP1, PASD8Homo sapiens (Human)826 AA
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