UniProtKB 11 results

Q9Y284ASTER_HUMANPAT complex subunit AsterixWDR83OS, C19orf56, CGI-140, My006, PTD008Homo sapiens (Human)106 AA
A0A8I3NQW8ASTER_CANLFPAT complex subunit AsterixWDR83OSCanis lupus familiaris (Dog) (Canis familiaris)106 AA
Q2M2T6ASTER_BOVINPAT complex subunit AsterixWDR83OSBos taurus (Bovine)106 AA
Q6ZWX0ASTER_MOUSEPAT complex subunit AsterixWdr83osMus musculus (Mouse)106 AA
Q6Q7K0ASTER_PIGPAT complex subunit AsterixWDR83OSSus scrofa (Pig)106 AA
F8RT80ASTER_CHICKPAT complex subunit AsterixWDR83OSGallus gallus (Chicken)101 AA
Q9SD88ASTER_ARATHProtein AsterixAt5g07960, F13G24.160, MXM12.20Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress)107 AA
Q09993ASTER_CAEELProtein AsterixK10B2.4Caenorhabditis elegans113 AA
Q86H65ASTER_DICDIProtein AsterixDDB_G0275849Dictyostelium discoideum (Social amoeba)98 AA
Q9VRJ8ASTER_DROMEProtein AsterixCG10674Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)108 AA
Q9U516ASTER_MANSEProtein AsterixManduca sexta (Tobacco hawkmoth) (Tobacco hornworm)108 AA
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