UniProtKB 165 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
Q5VT66MARC1_HUMANMitochondrial amidoxime-reducing component 1MTARC1, MARC1, MOSC1Homo sapiens (Human)337 AA
Q06278AOXA_HUMANAldehyde oxidaseAOX1, AOHomo sapiens (Human)1,338 AA
P47989XDH_HUMANXanthine dehydrogenase/oxidaseXDH, XDHAHomo sapiens (Human)1,333 AA
P51687SUOX_HUMANSulfite oxidase, mitochondrialSUOXHomo sapiens (Human)545 AA
Q9CW42MARC1_MOUSEMitochondrial amidoxime-reducing component 1Mtarc1, Marc1, Mosc1Mus musculus (Mouse)340 AA
P76342MSRP_ECOLIProtein-methionine-sulfoxide reductase catalytic subunit MsrPmsrP, yedY, b1971, JW1954Escherichia coli (strain K12)334 AA
Q9S850SUOX_ARATHSulfite oxidaseSOX, MCP, At3g01910, F1C9.31, F28J7.38Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress)393 AA
Q3TYQ9AOXD_MOUSEAldehyde oxidase 4Aox4, Aoh2Mus musculus (Mouse)1,336 AA
Q9Z0U5AOXA_RATAldehyde oxidase 1Aox1, AoRattus norvegicus (Rat)1,333 AA
P48034AOXA_BOVINAldehyde oxidase 1AOX1, AOBos taurus (Bovine)1,339 AA
G3X982AOXC_MOUSEAldehyde oxidase 3Aox3, Aoh1Mus musculus (Mouse)1,335 AA
O54754AOXA_MOUSEAldehyde oxidase 1Aox1, Ao, RoMus musculus (Mouse)1,333 AA
Q5QE80AOXC_RATAldehyde oxidase 3Aox3, Aoh1Rattus norvegicus (Rat)1,334 AA
Q5SGK3AOXB_MOUSEAldehyde oxidase 2Aox2, Aoh3, Aox3l1Mus musculus (Mouse)1,345 AA
P11832NIA1_ARATHNitrate reductase [NADH] 1NIA1, At1g77760, T32E8.9Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress)917 AA
P11035NIA2_ARATHNitrate reductase [NADH] 2NIA2, CHL3, At1g37130, F28L22.2Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress)917 AA
P22985XDH_RATXanthine dehydrogenase/oxidaseXdhRattus norvegicus (Rat)1,331 AA
P80457XDH_BOVINXanthine dehydrogenase/oxidaseXDHBos taurus (Bovine)1,332 AA
Q00519XDH_MOUSEXanthine dehydrogenase/oxidaseXdhMus musculus (Mouse)1,335 AA
Q8GUQ8XDH1_ARATHXanthine dehydrogenase 1XDH1, At4g34890, T11I11.130Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress)1,361 AA
P10351XDH_DROMEXanthine dehydrogenasery, XDH, CG7642Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)1,335 AA
Q7G191ALDO4_ARATHAldehyde oxidase 4AAO4, AO2, At1g04580, T1G11.17Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress)1,337 AA
Q07116SUOX_RATSulfite oxidase, mitochondrialSuoxRattus norvegicus (Rat)546 AA
Q9VWP4SUOX_DROMESulfite oxidase, mitochondrialshop, CG7280Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)573 AA
H9TB17AOXA_CAVPOAldehyde oxidase 1AOX1, AOCavia porcellus (Guinea pig)1,332 AA
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