UniProtKB 6 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
P32942ICAM3_HUMANIntercellular adhesion molecule 3ICAM3Homo sapiens (Human)547 AA
Q8TED0UTP15_HUMANU3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 15 homologUTP15Homo sapiens (Human)518 AA
Q9NV06DCA13_HUMANDDB1- and CUL4-associated factor 13DCAF13, WDSOF1, HSPC064Homo sapiens (Human)445 AA
Q99593TBX5_HUMANT-box transcription factor TBX5TBX5Homo sapiens (Human)518 AA
P02679FIBG_HUMANFibrinogen gamma chainFGG, PRO2061Homo sapiens (Human)453 AA
O14965AURKA_HUMANAurora kinase AAURKA, AIK, AIRK1, ARK1, AURA, AYK1, BTAK, IAK1, STK15, STK6Homo sapiens (Human)403 AA
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