UniProtKB 5 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
Q03348PTPRA_RATReceptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase alphaPtpra, LrpRattus norvegicus (Rat)796 AA
P48023TNFL6_HUMANTumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 6FASLG, APT1LG1, CD95L, FASL, TNFSF6Homo sapiens (Human)281 AA
P97523MET_RATHepatocyte growth factor receptorMetRattus norvegicus (Rat)1,382 AA
P13346FOSB_MOUSEProtein FosBFosbMus musculus (Mouse)338 AA
P15806TFE2_MOUSETranscription factor E2-alphaTcf3, Alf2, Me2, Tcfe2aMus musculus (Mouse)651 AA
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