UniProtKB 5 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
C0HLI1CO1A1_DOESXCollagen alpha-1(I) chainDoedicurus sp. (South American giant glyptodont)1,021 AA
C0HLJ9CO1A1_PARHACollagen alpha-1(I) chainParamylodon harlani (Harlan's ground sloth) (Glossotherium harlani)1,008 AA
C0HLG9CO1A1_BRAVACollagen alpha-1(I) chainBradypus variegatus (Brown-throated three-fingered sloth)966 AA
C0HJP7CO1A1_TOXSPCollagen alpha-1(I) chainCOL1A1Toxodon sp982 AA
C0HJN7CO1A1_TAPTECollagen alpha-1(I) chainCOL1A1Tapirus terrestris (Lowland tapir) (Brazilian tapir)963 AA
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