UniProtKB 8 results

T1RP61T1RP61_9TELECD40Lutjanus sanguineus (humphead snapper)327 AA
Q8TDR6Q8TDR6_HUMANProtein NDRG2Homo sapiens (Human)356 AA
Q7Z518Q7Z518_HUMANNADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 alpha subcomplex subunit 10, mitochondrialHomo sapiens (Human)354 AA
Q7Z504Q7Z504_HUMANWW-domain binding protein 1Homo sapiens (Human)269 AA
Q549H9Q549H9_HUMANcAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitorPKIG, hCG_38104Homo sapiens (Human)76 AA
A0A4P8DY79A0A4P8DY79_NARTABHLH1Narcissus tazetta subsp. chinensis236 AA
Q549M8Q549M8_HUMANRNA transcription, translation and transport factor proteinC14orf166, hCG_22667Homo sapiens (Human)244 AA
Q8WSF8Q8WSF8_APLCASoluble acetylcholine receptorAplysia californica (California sea hare)236 AA
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