UniProtKB 5 results

F5CPM5F5CPM5_9GEMIReplication-associated proteinEuphorbia yellow mosaic virus - Goias [Brazil:DF:Taquara 8880:2009]384 AA
F5CPM4F5CPM4_9GEMITranscriptional activator proteinEuphorbia yellow mosaic virus - Goias [Brazil:DF:Taquara 8880:2009]129 AA
F5CPM2F5CPM2_9GEMICapsid proteinEuphorbia yellow mosaic virus - Goias [Brazil:DF:Taquara 8880:2009]249 AA
F5CPM3F5CPM3_9GEMIReplication enhancerEuphorbia yellow mosaic virus - Goias [Brazil:DF:Taquara 8880:2009]132 AA
F5CPM6F5CPM6_9GEMIAC4Euphorbia yellow mosaic virus - Goias [Brazil:DF:Taquara 8880:2009]120 AA
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