UniProtKB 6 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
Q3UM84Q3UM84_MOUSEShort stature homeobox protein 2Shox2Mus musculus (Mouse)222 AA
A0A5G3I0E4A0A5G3I0E4_XENTRShort stature homeobox protein 2shox2, og12, og12x, ogi2x, shotXenopus tropicalis (Western clawed frog) (Silurana tropicalis)311 AA
A6NLG4A6NLG4_HUMANHCG1786841, isoform CRA_bhCG_1786841Homo sapiens (Human)190 AA
F6UTR6F6UTR6_MOUSESHOX homeobox 2Shox2Mus musculus (Mouse)240 AA
A0A0A6YWN6A0A0A6YWN6_MOUSESHOX homeobox 2Shox2Mus musculus (Mouse)108 AA
A0A140T8S9A0A140T8S9_MOUSESHOX homeobox 2Shox2Mus musculus (Mouse)190 AA
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