UniProtKB 52 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
A0A0B4KHR4A0A0B4KHR4_DROMEDystrophin, isoform IDys, CG17750, CG31175, CG7240, CG7243, CG7344, det, DLP, DLP1, DLP186, DLP2, DLP3, DmDLP, dmDLP, dmDp186, DmDYS, dmDys, Dmel\CG34157, Dp117, Dp186, Dp205, DYS, dys, GI3046716, IDLP, CG34157, Dmel_CG34157Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)3,228 AA
A0A0B4KHX4A0A0B4KHX4_DROMENeurofibromin 1, isoform FNf1, Dmel\CG8318, dNF1, dNf1, FBpp0084326, NF-1, Nf-1, NF1, nf1, CG8318, Dmel_CG8318Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)2,734 AA
M9PFS2M9PFS2_DROMEPresenilinPsn, 0480/15, 0493/14, 493/14, CG5868, Dmel\CG18803, DmPS, DPS, Dps, DPsn, dPsn, DrosPS, gamma-secretase, l(3)77CDb, l(3)S048015a, l(3)S049314, l(3)S049314a, pres, PS, PS1, PSN, psn, CG18803, Dmel_CG18803Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)527 AA
Q9VW83Q9VW83_DROMEGigas, isoform Agig, 6975, C1, Dmel\CG6975, dTSC2, dTsc2, FBpp0074588, gig/Tsc2, Gigas, l(3)109, ME 109, TSC2, TsC2, Tsc2, tsc2, tsc2(gig), Tsc2/gig, CG6975, Dmel_CG6975Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)1,847 AA
A0A0B4KGH0A0A0B4KGH0_DROMEDystrophin, isoform KDys, CG17750, CG31175, CG7240, CG7243, CG7344, det, DLP, DLP1, DLP186, DLP2, DLP3, DmDLP, dmDLP, dmDp186, DmDYS, dmDys, Dmel\CG34157, Dp117, Dp186, Dp205, DYS, dys, GI3046716, IDLP, CG34157, Dmel_CG34157Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)3,144 AA
A0A0B4KI28A0A0B4KI28_DROMENeurofibromin 1, isoform ENf1, Dmel\CG8318, dNF1, dNf1, FBpp0084326, NF-1, Nf-1, NF1, nf1, CG8318, Dmel_CG8318Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)2,793 AA
M9NE89M9NE89_DROMELamin, isoform BLam, 2459, 74/76, D5, D[[m0]], Dm, Dm(0), Dm0, Dm1, Dm2, Dm[[0]], Dm[[1]], Dm[[2]], Dm[[mit]], DM[[O]], Dm[[o]], Dmel\CG6944, DmLamin, DmO, Dmo, jf27, l(2)04643, l(2)25Ec, l(2)gdh-7, l(2)gdh7, l(2)jf27, LAM, lam, Lam Dm0, Lam Dm[[0]], Lam(Dm0), Lam[[Dm0]], lamB, LamDm, LamDm0, lamDm0, LamDm[[0]], lamDm[[0]], LamDm[[o]], lamin, Lamin A, Lamin B, lamin B, Lamin Dm0, lamin Dm0, Lamin Dm[[0]], lamin Dm[[0]], lamin DmO, lamin-B, Lamin-B1, LaminB, misg, nlam, CG6944, Dmel_CG6944Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)622 AA
M9PG70M9PG70_DROMEPresenilinPsn, 0480/15, 0493/14, 493/14, CG5868, Dmel\CG18803, DmPS, DPS, Dps, DPsn, dPsn, DrosPS, gamma-secretase, l(3)77CDb, l(3)S048015a, l(3)S049314, l(3)S049314a, pres, PS, PS1, PSN, psn, CG18803, Dmel_CG18803Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)541 AA
Q9U9B0Q9U9B0_DROMEGigas proteingig, gigas, CG6975Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)1,847 AA
Q9VBJ2Q9VBJ2_DROMENeurofibromin 1, isoform BNf1, Dmel\CG8318, dNF1, dNf1, FBpp0084326, NF-1, Nf-1, NF1, nf1, CG8318, Dmel_CG8318Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)2,802 AA
O46094O46094_DROMEEG:86E4.5 proteinOcrl, Dmel\CG3573, dOCRL, dOcrl, docrl, EG:86E4.5, OCRL, ocrl, CG3573, Dmel_CG3573Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)850 AA
Q59DT9Q59DT9_DROMENeurofibromin 1, isoform DNf1, Dmel\CG8318, dNF1, dNf1, FBpp0084326, NF-1, Nf-1, NF1, nf1, CG8318, Dmel_CG8318Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)2,764 AA
Q8IMS2Q8IMS2_DROMENeurofibromin 1, isoform CNf1, Dmel\CG8318, dNF1, dNf1, FBpp0084326, NF-1, Nf-1, NF1, nf1, CG8318, Dmel_CG8318Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)2,746 AA
Q9VTH1Q9VTH1_DROMEHECT-type E3 ubiquitin transferaseUbe3a, AS, As, das, Dmel\CG6190, Dube3A, Dube3a, dUBE3A, dUbe3A, dUbe3a, dube3A, dube3a, NM_140195.2, UBE3A, Ube3A, ube3a, CG6190, Dmel_CG6190Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)973 AA
Q9VYT4Q9VYT4_DROMEP-type Cu(+) transporterATP7, Atp7, atp7, Atp7A, dATP7, DmATP7, dmATP7, Dmel\CG1886, lincRNA.S9122, CG1886, Dmel_CG1886Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)1,254 AA
A0A0B4KGB9A0A0B4KGB9_DROMEDystrophin, isoform LDys, CG17750, CG31175, CG7240, CG7243, CG7344, det, DLP, DLP1, DLP186, DLP2, DLP3, DmDLP, dmDLP, dmDp186, DmDYS, dmDys, Dmel\CG34157, Dp117, Dp186, Dp205, DYS, dys, GI3046716, IDLP, CG34157, Dmel_CG34157Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)1,323 AA
O01398O01398_DROMENeurofibrominNf1, NF1, CG8318Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)2,802 AA
O01399O01399_DROMENeurofibrominNf1, NF1, CG8318Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)2,764 AA
Q95U43Q95U43_DROMEGH08833pNf1, CG8318Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)598 AA
Q9VL24Q9VL24_DROMENiemann-Pick type C-1a, isoform ANpc1a, Dmel\CG5722, DmNPC, dmNPC1, dncp1a, dNPC1, dNPC1a, dnpc1a, NPC-1, NPC1, Npc1, npc1, Npc1_Dm, NPC1a, npc1a, CG5722, Dmel_CG5722Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)1,287 AA
B7Z090B7Z090_DROMEPresenilinPsn, 0480/15, 0493/14, 493/14, CG5868, Dmel\CG18803, DmPS, DPS, Dps, DPsn, dPsn, DrosPS, gamma-secretase, l(3)77CDb, l(3)S048015a, l(3)S049314, l(3)S049314a, pres, PS, PS1, PSN, psn, CG18803, Dmel_CG18803Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)508 AA
D5AEN0D5AEN0_DROMEG protein alpha o subunit, isoform JGalphao, alpha(o), Bkh, bkh, DG[[o]], DGalpha0, DGalpha[[o]], dGalphao, dgo, dgoalpha, Dmel\CG2204, DROGPAD, drogpad, G(o)alpha47A, G-alpha-47A, G-oalpha, G-oalpha47A, G-oalpha47a, G[[o]], G[[o]]alpha, G[[oalpha]], Galpha47A, Galpha[[047A]], Galpha[[0]], Galpha[[o]], Galpha[[o]]47A, Galphai/o, Galphao47A, Go, Go-alpha, Goa, Goalpha, goalpha, Goalpha47a, like GNAO, CG2204, Dmel_CG2204Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)127 AA
M9PD17M9PD17_DROMEGigas, isoform Bgig, 6975, C1, Dmel\CG6975, dTSC2, dTsc2, FBpp0074588, gig/Tsc2, Gigas, l(3)109, ME 109, TSC2, TsC2, Tsc2, tsc2, tsc2(gig), Tsc2/gig, CG6975, Dmel_CG6975Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)1,844 AA
O01397O01397_DROMENeurofibrominNf1, NF1, CG8318Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)2,802 AA
Q7K0T0Q7K0T0_DROMELD36178pgig, CG6975Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)1,876 AA
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