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UniProtKB 1,950 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
R9XZB0R9XZB0_9FLORATP synthase F0 sector subunit CatpH, atpEPhyllymenia taiwanensis82 AA
R9XXW9R9XXW9_9FLORCytochrome b559 subunit alphapsbEPhyllymenia taiwanensis84 AA
R9XZE2R9XZE2_9FLORAcetolactate synthase small subunitilvHPhyllymenia taiwanensis176 AA
R9XYH9R9XYH9_9FLORPhotosystem I iron-sulfur centerpsaCPhyllymenia taiwanensis81 AA
R9XYJ0R9XYJ0_9FLORCytochrome b559 subunit betapsbFPhyllymenia taiwanensis44 AA
R9XZC1R9XZC1_9FLORFerredoxin-thioredoxin reductase, catalytic chainftrBPhyllymenia taiwanensis116 AA
R9XWH1R9XWH1_9FLORCytochrome c6petJPhyllymenia taiwanensis109 AA
A0A0D6E1B1A0A0D6E1B1_BRYPLPhotosystem I iron-sulfur centerpsaCBryopsis plumosa (Green alga) (Ulva plumosa)81 AA
A0A0D6E203A0A0D6E203_TYDEXPhotosystem I iron-sulfur centerpsaCTydemania expeditionis (Green alga)81 AA
A0A0D6E224A0A0D6E224_BRYPLCytochrome b559 subunit betapsbFBryopsis plumosa (Green alga) (Ulva plumosa)42 AA
A0A0D6E2Y7A0A0D6E2Y7_TYDEXATP synthase subunit c, chloroplasticatpHTydemania expeditionis (Green alga)82 AA
A0A0D6E192A0A0D6E192_BRYPLATP synthase subunit c, chloroplasticatpHBryopsis plumosa (Green alga) (Ulva plumosa)82 AA
A0A0D6E1E6A0A0D6E1E6_BRYPLCytochrome b559 subunit alphapsbEBryopsis plumosa (Green alga) (Ulva plumosa)82 AA
A0A0D6E1J3A0A0D6E1J3_TYDEXCytochrome b559 subunit betapsbFTydemania expeditionis (Green alga)43 AA
A0A0D6E227A0A0D6E227_TYDEXATP-dependent Clp protease proteolytic subunitclpPTydemania expeditionis (Green alga)197 AA
A0A0D6E220A0A0D6E220_BRYPLATP-dependent Clp protease proteolytic subunitclpPBryopsis plumosa (Green alga) (Ulva plumosa)199 AA
A0A0D6E2U2A0A0D6E2U2_TYDEXCytochrome b559 subunit alphapsbETydemania expeditionis (Green alga)80 AA
A0A1I9LK98A0A1I9LK98_CAURACytochrome b559 subunit alphapsbECaulerpa racemosa (Green alga)83 AA
A0A1I9LK45A0A1I9LK45_CAURAATP synthase subunit c, chloroplasticatpHCaulerpa racemosa (Green alga)82 AA
A0A1I9LK93A0A1I9LK93_CAURAPhotosystem I iron-sulfur centerpsaCCaulerpa racemosa (Green alga)81 AA
A0A1I9LK99A0A1I9LK99_CAURACytochrome b559 subunit betapsbFCaulerpa racemosa (Green alga)44 AA
A0A0U2SZX9A0A0U2SZX9_9CHLOATP synthase subunit c, chloroplasticatpHUlva fasciata82 AA
A0A0U2SQF4A0A0U2SQF4_9CHLOATP-dependent Clp protease proteolytic subunitclpPUlva fasciata198 AA
A0A0U2LYW4A0A0U2LYW4_9CHLOCytochrome b559 subunit betapsbFUlva fasciata42 AA
A0A0U2URA4A0A0U2URA4_9CHLOCytochrome b559 subunit alphapsbEUlva fasciata83 AA
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