UniProtKB 12 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
Q9ZS54Q9ZS54_PINSYsuperoxide dismutasePinus sylvestris (Scotch pine)152 AA
Q37791Q37791_9SPERChloroplast subunit of light independent protochlorophyllide reductasechlBLarix x marschlinsii12 AA
Q9S8C2Q9S8C2_PINSYGlutathione reductasePinus sylvestris (Scotch pine)20 AA
Q36669Q36669_PINSYChloroplast subunit of light independent protochlorophyllide reductasechlBPinus sylvestris (Scotch pine)12 AA
P92454P92454_CYCREChloroplast subunit of light-independent protochlorophyllide reductasechlB geneCycas revoluta (Sago palm)12 AA
P92460P92460_TAXBAChloroplast subunit of light-independent protochlorophyllide reductasechlB geneTaxus baccata (English yew)13 AA
Q36622Q36622_PICABChloroplast subunit of light independent protochlorophyllide reductasechlBPicea abies (Norway spruce) (Picea excelsa)13 AA
Q36668Q36668_PINSYChloroplast subunit of light independent protochlorophyllide reductasechlBPinus sylvestris (Scotch pine)12 AA
O03815O03815_ABIALChloroplast subunit of light-independent protochlorophyllide reductasechlB geneAbies alba (Edeltanne) (European silver fir)12 AA
O03816O03816_METGYChloroplast subunit of light-independent protochlorophyllide reductasechlB geneMetasequoia glyptostroboides (Dawn redwood) (Sequoia glyptostroboides)12 AA
P92457P92457_9SPERChloroplast subunit of light-independent protochlorophyllide reductasechlB geneEphedra sp12 AA
Q37790Q37790_9SPERChloroplast subunit of light independent protochlorophyllide reductasechlBLarix x marschlinsii12 AA
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