UniProtKB 29,930 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
A0A6Q2X5N5A0A6Q2X5N5_ESOLUFatty acid synthaseEsox lucius (Northern pike)2,506 AA
A0A6Q2Y261A0A6Q2Y261_ESOLUSterol carrier protein 2Esox lucius (Northern pike)480 AA
A0A3P8YLM7A0A3P8YLM7_ESOLUFatty acid synthaseEsox lucius (Northern pike)2,523 AA
A0A3P9A0L8A0A3P9A0L8_ESOLUSterol carrier protein 2Esox lucius (Northern pike)503 AA
A0A3P9A183A0A3P9A183_ESOLUSterol carrier protein 2Esox lucius (Northern pike)508 AA
A0A6Q2Y0D1A0A6Q2Y0D1_ESOLUFatty acid synthaseEsox lucius (Northern pike)2,533 AA
A0A6Q2ZJ02A0A6Q2ZJ02_ESOLUSterol carrier protein 2Esox lucius (Northern pike)524 AA
A0A3P9A0N1A0A3P9A0N1_ESOLUSterol carrier protein 2Esox lucius (Northern pike)538 AA
A0A6Q2X0B9A0A6Q2X0B9_ESOLUFatty acid synthaseEsox lucius (Northern pike)2,480 AA
A0A6Q2X8W8A0A6Q2X8W8_ESOLUFatty acid synthaseEsox lucius (Northern pike)2,521 AA
A0A3P8XU69A0A3P8XU69_ESOLUPRKCA-binding proteinEsox lucius (Northern pike)415 AA
A0A3P8ZS45A0A3P8ZS45_ESOLULysosomal dipeptide transporter MFSD1Esox lucius (Northern pike)484 AA
A0A6Q2XUD0A0A6Q2XUD0_ESOLUHeterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein UEsox lucius (Northern pike)772 AA
A0A6Q2Y9G8A0A6Q2Y9G8_ESOLUCadherin 2CDH2Esox lucius (Northern pike)881 AA
A0A6Q2YFJ6A0A6Q2YFJ6_ESOLUDystroglycan 1Esox lucius (Northern pike)893 AA
A0A6Q2YY16A0A6Q2YY16_ESOLUPRKCA-binding proteinEsox lucius (Northern pike)418 AA
A0A6Q2Z765A0A6Q2Z765_ESOLUCadherin-2Esox lucius (Northern pike)868 AA
A0A6Q2Z8P6A0A6Q2Z8P6_ESOLUCadherin-2Esox lucius (Northern pike)910 AA
A0A6Q2ZB92A0A6Q2ZB92_ESOLUreceptor protein-tyrosine kinaseEsox lucius (Northern pike)939 AA
A0A6Q2ZJV5A0A6Q2ZJV5_ESOLUCadherin-2Esox lucius (Northern pike)907 AA
A0A6Q2ZLH7A0A6Q2ZLH7_ESOLUCadherin 2CDH2Esox lucius (Northern pike)832 AA
A0A6Q2WSX7A0A6Q2WSX7_ESOLUHeterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein UHNRNPUEsox lucius (Northern pike)674 AA
A0A6Q2XVC7A0A6Q2XVC7_ESOLUCadherin 2CDH2Esox lucius (Northern pike)866 AA
A0A6Q2YDM1A0A6Q2YDM1_ESOLULysosomal dipeptide transporter MFSD1Esox lucius (Northern pike)458 AA
A0A6Q2YZH4A0A6Q2YZH4_ESOLUCadherin-2Esox lucius (Northern pike)852 AA
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