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UniProtKB 66 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
A0A5B9C602A0A5B9C602_9SAURRecombination activating protein 2RAG2Gloydius monticola (Likiang pitviper)162 AA
A0A5B9C7B9A0A5B9C7B9_9SAURStonin 2STON2Opisthotropis guangxiensis147 AA
A0A5B9C8A2A0A5B9C8A2_ERYTASushi, von Willebrand factor type A, EGF and pentraxin domain-containing protein 1SVEP1Eryx tataricus (Tartar sand boa)146 AA
A0A5B9C8K8A0A5B9C8K8_OVOMOSushi, von Willebrand factor type A, EGF and pentraxin domain-containing protein 1SVEP1Ovophis monticola (Chinese mountain pitviper) (Trimeresurus monticola)146 AA
A0A5B9C9H3A0A5B9C9H3_XENUNTitinTTNXenopeltis unicolor (Sunbeam snake)166 AA
A0A5B9C9T4A0A5B9C9T4_PROMUTitinTTNProtobothrops mucrosquamatus (Taiwan habu) (Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus)149 AA
A0A5B9CA13A0A5B9CA13_9SAURTitinTTNAchalinus spinalis (Peters' odd-scaled snake)149 AA
A0A5B9CA27A0A5B9CA27_9SAURTitinTTNPareas formosensis (Formosa slug snake)199 AA
A0A5B9CAD2A0A5B9CAD2_TRISTTitinTTNTrimeresurus stejnegeri (Chinese green tree viper) (Viridovipera stejnegeri)156 AA
A0A5B9CCX4A0A5B9CCX4_LYCROZinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1ZEB1Lycodon rufozonatus (Red-banded snake) (Dinodon rufozonatum)139 AA
A0A5B9CEB0A0A5B9CEB0_9SAURZinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1ZEB1Elaphe cantoris (Eastern trinket snake)133 AA
A0A5B9CHT9A0A5B9CHT9_PROMUEnvoplakinEVPLProtobothrops mucrosquamatus (Taiwan habu) (Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus)173 AA
A0A5B9CJ69A0A5B9CJ69_9SAURFAT atypical cadherin 4FAT4Achalinus rufescens (Boulenger's odd-scaled snake)130 AA
A0A5B9CJE8A0A5B9CJE8_9SAURFAT atypical cadherin 4FAT4Oligodon formosanus136 AA
A0A5B9CJS3A0A5B9CJS3_9SAURFem1-like protein BFEM1BIndotyphlops braminus (Brahminy blind snake)185 AA
A0A5B9CJW1A0A5B9CJW1_9SAURFem1-like protein BFEM1BPareas formosensis (Formosa slug snake)170 AA
A0A5B9CK65A0A5B9CK65_9SAURFem1-like protein BFEM1BGloydius monticola (Likiang pitviper)170 AA
A0A5B9CL59A0A5B9CL59_9SAURFem1-like protein BFEM1BOpisthotropis andersonii (Anderson's mountain keelback)176 AA
A0A5B9CLP5A0A5B9CLP5_9SAURPhosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit gammaPIK3CGChrysopelea ornata167 AA
A0A5B9C7F8A0A5B9C7F8_9SAURStonin 2STON2Achalinus sp. CHS737157 AA
A0A5B9C8K9A0A5B9C8K9_9SAURSushi, von Willebrand factor type A, EGF and pentraxin domain-containing protein 1SVEP1Opisthotropis maxwelli (Maxwell's mountain keelback)173 AA
A0A5B9CAW0A0A5B9CAW0_9SAURSH3 domain-binding protein 4SH3BP4Elaphe taeniura (beauty snake)197 AA
A0A5B9CAZ7A0A5B9CAZ7_9SAURSH3 domain-binding protein 4SH3BP4Dendrelaphis pictus197 AA
A0A5B9CHF7A0A5B9CHF7_9SAUREnvoplakinEVPLAchalinus sp. CHS737173 AA
A0A5B9C7W2A0A5B9C7W2_9SAURSushi, von Willebrand factor type A, EGF and pentraxin domain-containing protein 1SVEP1Azemiops kharini194 AA
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