UniProtKB 10 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
Q60813ADM1A_MOUSEDisintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 1aAdam1a, Adam1, FtnaMus musculus (Mouse)791 AA
Q60815Q60815_MOUSEADAM 4 proteinAdam4, ADAM 4Mus musculus (Mouse)473 AA
Q60410Q60410_CAVPOGuinea pig PH-30 alphaCavia porcellus (Guinea pig)804 AA
V9PPK1V9PPK1_9METZLig_chan domain-containing proteinCharistephane fugiens367 AA
O12960O12960_XENLAADAM 13adam13.L, adam13, adam33, adam33.LXenopus laevis (African clawed frog)914 AA
V9PPA6V9PPA6_HORCALig_chan domain-containing proteinHormiphora californensis (Sea gooseberry)478 AA
V9PPD2V9PPD2_9METZLig_chan domain-containing proteinCharistephane fugiens341 AA
V9PPK3V9PPK3_HORCASBP_bac_3 domain-containing proteinHormiphora californensis (Sea gooseberry)203 AA
V9PPN2V9PPN2_THAINLig_chan domain-containing proteinThalassocalyce inconstans (Comb jelly)302 AA
V9PPP3V9PPP3_9METZLig_chan domain-containing proteinCharistephane fugiens334 AA
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