UniProtKB 11 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
P24182ACCC_ECOLIBiotin carboxylaseaccC, fabG, b3256, JW3224Escherichia coli (strain K12)449 AA
P0AC02BAMD_ECOLIOuter membrane protein assembly factor BamDbamD, yfiO, b2595, JW2577Escherichia coli (strain K12)245 AA
P40136CYAA_BACANCalmodulin-sensitive adenylate cyclasecya, pXO1-122, BXA0141, GBAA_pXO1_0142Bacillus anthracis800 AA
Q5LUF3PCCA_RUEPOPropionyl-CoA carboxylase alpha chainpccA, SPO1101Ruegeria pomeroyi (strain ATCC 700808 / DSM 15171 / DSS-3) (Silicibacter pomeroyi)681 AA
Q99PZ6OSPG_SHIFLProtein kinase OspGospG, CP0227, pWR501_0237, SFLP087Shigella flexneri196 AA
P0A1C1SCTN_SHIFLType 3 secretion system ATPasesctN, mxiB, spa47, spaL, CP0149Shigella flexneri430 AA
Q8VSP9OSPF_SHIFLPhosphothreonine lyase OspFospF, mkaD, CP0010, pWR501_0013, SFLP011Shigella flexneri239 AA
P18012SCTB_SHIFLType 3 secretion system translocon protein SctBsctB, ipaC, CP0127Shigella flexneri363 AA
P0A223SCTF_SHIFLType 3 secretion system needle filament proteinsctF, mxiH, CP0137Shigella flexneri83 AA
Q8VSC3IPA9_SHIFLE3 ubiquitin-protein ligase ipaH9.8ipaH9.8, CP0226, pWR501_0234, SFLP090Shigella flexneri545 AA
P18011SCTE_SHIFLType 3 secretion system translocon protein SctEsctE, ipaB, CP0128Shigella flexneri580 AA
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