UniProtKB 8 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
Q9BUZ4TRAF4_HUMANTNF receptor-associated factor 4TRAF4, CART1, MLN62, RNF83Homo sapiens (Human)470 AA
Q14849STAR3_HUMANStAR-related lipid transfer protein 3STARD3, CAB1, MLN64Homo sapiens (Human)445 AA
P04155TFF1_HUMANTrefoil factor 1TFF1, BCEI, PS2Homo sapiens (Human)84 AA
P31949S10AB_HUMANProtein S100-A11S100A11, MLN70, S100CHomo sapiens (Human)105 AA
Q14847LASP1_HUMANLIM and SH3 domain protein 1LASP1, MLN50Homo sapiens (Human)261 AA
P50281MMP14_HUMANMatrix metalloproteinase-14MMP14Homo sapiens (Human)582 AA
P61011SRP54_HUMANSignal recognition particle subunit SRP54SRP54Homo sapiens (Human)504 AA
Q9EQX0GHRL_MOUSEAppetite-regulating hormoneGhrl, MtlrpMus musculus (Mouse)117 AA
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