UniProtKB 7 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
Q07816B2CL1_CHICKBcl-2-like protein 1BCL2L1, BCL-X, BCLXGallus gallus (Chicken)229 AA
Q13310PABP4_HUMANPolyadenylate-binding protein 4PABPC4, APP1, PABP4Homo sapiens (Human)644 AA
P67775PP2AA_HUMANSerine/threonine-protein phosphatase 2A catalytic subunit alpha isoformPPP2CAHomo sapiens (Human)309 AA
P081954F2_HUMANAmino acid transporter heavy chain SLC3A2SLC3A2, MDU1Homo sapiens (Human)630 AA
Q07817B2CL1_HUMANBcl-2-like protein 1BCL2L1, BCL2L, BCLXHomo sapiens (Human)233 AA
P70345B2CL2_MOUSEBcl-2-like protein 2Bcl2l2, Bclw, Kiaa0271Mus musculus (Mouse)193 AA
O54839EOMES_MOUSEEomesodermin homologEomes, Tbr2Mus musculus (Mouse)707 AA
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