UniProtKB 5 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
P35030TRY3_HUMANTrypsin-3PRSS3, PRSS4, TRY3, TRY4Homo sapiens (Human)304 AA
P20908CO5A1_HUMANCollagen alpha-1(V) chainCOL5A1Homo sapiens (Human)1,838 AA
P0C0L4CO4A_HUMANComplement C4-AC4A, CO4, CPAMD2Homo sapiens (Human)1,744 AA
Q8NBP7PCSK9_HUMANProprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9PCSK9, NARC1, PSEC0052Homo sapiens (Human)692 AA
P00740FA9_HUMANCoagulation factor IXF9Homo sapiens (Human)461 AA
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