UniProtKB 5 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
Q008X5R1A_WBV24Replicase polyprotein 1a1aWhite bream virus (isolate Blicca bjoerkna L./Germany/DF24/00) (WBV)4,555 AA
Q008X6R1AB_WBV24Replicase polyprotein 1abrep, 1a-1bWhite bream virus (isolate Blicca bjoerkna L./Germany/DF24/00) (WBV)6,872 AA
P12296POLG_ENMGOGenome polyproteinMengo encephalomyocarditis virus2,293 AA
P19811RPOA_EAVBUReplicase polyprotein 1abrep, 1a-1bEquine arteritis virus (strain Bucyrus) (EAV)3,175 AA
P0C6X7R1AB_SARSReplicase polyprotein 1abrep, 1a-1bSevere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV)7,073 AA
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