UniProtKB 6 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
Q8BTQ0PCGF3_MOUSEPolycomb group RING finger protein 3PcgF3, Rnf3, Rnf3aMus musculus (Mouse)241 AA
O35730RING1_MOUSEE3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RING1Ring1, Ring1A, Rnf1Mus musculus (Mouse)406 AA
P51480CDN2A_MOUSECyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2ACdkn2a, P16ink4aMus musculus (Mouse)168 AA
Q3UK78PCGF5_MOUSEPolycomb group RING finger protein 5Pcgf5, Rnf159Mus musculus (Mouse)256 AA
Q64364ARF_MOUSETumor suppressor ARFCdkn2aMus musculus (Mouse)169 AA
Q921E6EED_MOUSEPolycomb protein EEDEedMus musculus (Mouse)441 AA
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