UniProtKB 38 results

Q9UKV8AGO2_HUMANProtein argonaute-2AGO2, EIF2C2Homo sapiens (Human)859 AA
Q15633TRBP2_HUMANRISC-loading complex subunit TARBP2TARBP2, TRBPHomo sapiens (Human)366 AA
O14893GEMI2_HUMANGem-associated protein 2GEMIN2, SIP1Homo sapiens (Human)280 AA
Q12789TF3C1_HUMANGeneral transcription factor 3C polypeptide 1GTF3C1Homo sapiens (Human)2,109 AA
Q92896GSLG1_HUMANGolgi apparatus protein 1GLG1, CFR1, ESL1, MG160Homo sapiens (Human)1,179 AA
O60506HNRPQ_HUMANHeterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein QSYNCRIP, HNRPQ, NSAP1Homo sapiens (Human)623 AA
Q9Y265RUVB1_HUMANRuvB-like 1RUVBL1, INO80H, NMP238, TIP49, TIP49AHomo sapiens (Human)456 AA
Q9UPY3DICER_HUMANEndoribonuclease DicerDICER1, DICER, HERNA, KIAA0928Homo sapiens (Human)1,922 AA
Q16637SMN_HUMANSurvival motor neuron proteinSMN1, SMN, SMNT, SMN2, SMNCHomo sapiens (Human)294 AA
Q9Y230RUVB2_HUMANRuvB-like 2RUVBL2, INO80J, TIP48, TIP49B, CGI-46Homo sapiens (Human)463 AA
Q9JMB7PIWL1_MOUSEPiwi-like protein 1Piwil1, MiwiMus musculus (Mouse)862 AA
Q8CAE2HENMT_MOUSESmall RNA 2'-O-methyltransferaseHenmt1Mus musculus (Mouse)395 AA
Q9U6Y9ANM5_DROMEProtein arginine N-methyltransferase 5csul, DART5, CG3730Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)610 AA
O76922AUB_DROMEProtein aubergineaub, sti, CG6137Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)866 AA
Q99MV5M10L1_MOUSERNA helicase Mov10l1Mov10l1, ChampMus musculus (Mouse)1,187 AA
Q5SWZ9PLD6_MOUSEMitochondrial cardiolipin hydrolasePld6Mus musculus (Mouse)221 AA
Q7PLK0AGO3_DROMEProtein argonaute-3AGO3, CG40300Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)867 AA
Q04982BRAF_CHICKSerine/threonine-protein kinase B-rafBRAF, RMILGallus gallus (Chicken)766 AA
Q90674LSHR_CHICKLutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptorLHCGRGallus gallus (Chicken)728 AA
Q04861NFKB1_CHICKNuclear factor NF-kappa-B p105 subunitNFKB1Gallus gallus (Chicken)983 AA
Q5ZK92SPAST_CHICKSpastinSPAST, SPG4, RCJMB04_12e12Gallus gallus (Chicken)613 AA
P11722FINC_CHICKFibronectinFN1Gallus gallus (Chicken)2,483 AA
Q0ZM14PCD15_CHICKProtocadherin-15Pcdh15Gallus gallus (Chicken)1,899 AA
P02460CO2A1_CHICKCollagen alpha-1(II) chainCOL2A1Gallus gallus (Chicken)859 AA
I0IUP3MCM8_CHICKDNA helicase MCM8MCM8, RCJMB04_5o15Gallus gallus (Chicken)830 AA
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