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UniProtKB 18 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
Q9UMW8UBP18_HUMANUbl carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 18USP18, ISG43Homo sapiens (Human)372 AA
P80192M3K9_HUMANMitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 9MAP3K9, MLK1, PRKE1Homo sapiens (Human)1,104 AA
P39060COIA1_HUMANCollagen alpha-1(XVIII) chainCOL18A1Homo sapiens (Human)1,754 AA
P08235MCR_HUMANMineralocorticoid receptorNR3C2, MCR, MLRHomo sapiens (Human)984 AA
P15538C11B1_HUMANCytochrome P450 11B1, mitochondrialCYP11B1, S11BHHomo sapiens (Human)503 AA
O00139KIF2A_HUMANKinesin-like protein KIF2AKIF2A, KIF2, KNS2Homo sapiens (Human)706 AA
P15848ARSB_HUMANArylsulfatase BARSBHomo sapiens (Human)533 AA
Q9BX10GTPB2_HUMANGTP-binding protein 2GTPBP2Homo sapiens (Human)602 AA
P30542AA1R_HUMANAdenosine receptor A1ADORA1Homo sapiens (Human)326 AA
P35611ADDA_HUMANAlpha-adducinADD1, ADDAHomo sapiens (Human)737 AA
Q8WX92NELFB_HUMANNegative elongation factor BNELFB, COBRA1, KIAA1182Homo sapiens (Human)580 AA
P24557THAS_HUMANThromboxane-A synthaseTBXAS1, CYP5, CYP5A1, TXASHomo sapiens (Human)533 AA
Q14654KCJ11_HUMANATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 11KCNJ11Homo sapiens (Human)390 AA
P48551INAR2_HUMANInterferon alpha/beta receptor 2IFNAR2, IFNABR, IFNARBHomo sapiens (Human)515 AA
P52630STAT2_HUMANSignal transducer and activator of transcription 2STAT2Homo sapiens (Human)851 AA
P12821ACE_HUMANAngiotensin-converting enzymeACE, DCP, DCP1Homo sapiens (Human)1,306 AA
Q8C4Y3NELFB_MOUSENegative elongation factor BNelfb, Cobra1, MNCb-5210Mus musculus (Mouse)580 AA
P19426NELFE_MOUSENegative elongation factor ENelfe, D17h6s45, Rd, RdbpMus musculus (Mouse)375 AA
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