UniProtKB 6 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
Q9Y2X7GIT1_HUMANARF GTPase-activating protein GIT1GIT1Homo sapiens (Human)761 AA
Q13153PAK1_HUMANSerine/threonine-protein kinase PAK 1PAK1Homo sapiens (Human)545 AA
Q14161GIT2_HUMANARF GTPase-activating protein GIT2GIT2, KIAA0148Homo sapiens (Human)759 AA
P49023PAXI_HUMANPaxillinPXNHomo sapiens (Human)591 AA
P46108CRK_HUMANAdapter molecule crkCRKHomo sapiens (Human)304 AA
Q14155ARHG7_HUMANRho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 7ARHGEF7, COOL1, KIAA0142, P85SPR, PAK3BP, PIXB, Nbla10314Homo sapiens (Human)803 AA
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