UniProtKB 42 results

Q6NUI6CHADL_HUMANChondroadherin-like proteinCHADL, SLRR4BHomo sapiens (Human)762 AA
Q99501GA2L1_HUMANGAS2-like protein 1GAS2L1, GAR22Homo sapiens (Human)681 AA
Q96JB3HIC2_HUMANHypermethylated in cancer 2 proteinHIC2, HRG22, KIAA1020, ZBTB30Homo sapiens (Human)615 AA
P05771KPCB_HUMANProtein kinase C beta typePRKCB, PKCB, PRKCB1Homo sapiens (Human)671 AA
Q969S8HDA10_HUMANPolyamine deacetylase HDAC10HDAC10Homo sapiens (Human)669 AA
Q96HU1SGSM3_HUMANSmall G protein signaling modulator 3SGSM3, MAP, RABGAPLP, RUTBC3Homo sapiens (Human)749 AA
Q6IBW4CNDH2_HUMANCondensin-2 complex subunit H2NCAPH2, CAPH2Homo sapiens (Human)605 AA
Q9HBE1PATZ1_HUMANPOZ-, AT hook-, and zinc finger-containing protein 1PATZ1, PATZ, RIAZ, ZBTB19, ZNF278, ZSGHomo sapiens (Human)687 AA
Q8IYX3CC116_HUMANCoiled-coil domain-containing protein 116CCDC116Homo sapiens (Human)613 AA
P23142FBLN1_HUMANFibulin-1FBLN1, PP213Homo sapiens (Human)703 AA
Q92523CPT1B_HUMANCarnitine O-palmitoyltransferase 1, muscle isoformCPT1B, KIAA1670Homo sapiens (Human)772 AA
Q15459SF3A1_HUMANSplicing factor 3A subunit 1SF3A1, SAP114Homo sapiens (Human)793 AA
Q9NQG7HPS4_HUMANBLOC-3 complex member HPS4HPS4, KIAA1667Homo sapiens (Human)708 AA
Q03519TAP2_HUMANAntigen peptide transporter 2TAP2, ABCB3, PSF2, RING11, Y1Homo sapiens (Human)686 AA
Q16587ZNF74_HUMANZinc finger protein 74ZNF74, ZNF520Homo sapiens (Human)644 AA
Q96RD6PANX2_HUMANPannexin-2PANX2Homo sapiens (Human)677 AA
Q8IWF2FXRD2_HUMANFAD-dependent oxidoreductase domain-containing protein 2FOXRED2, ERFADHomo sapiens (Human)684 AA
Q6ZT62BGIN_HUMANBarginBARGINHomo sapiens (Human)677 AA
Q96NN9AIFM3_HUMANApoptosis-inducing factor 3AIFM3, AIFLHomo sapiens (Human)605 AA
Q9UH99SUN2_HUMANSUN domain-containing protein 2SUN2, FRIGG, KIAA0668, RAB5IP, UNC84BHomo sapiens (Human)717 AA
O95461LARG1_HUMANXylosyl- and glucuronyltransferase LARGE1LARGE1, KIAA0609, LARGEHomo sapiens (Human)756 AA
Q03518TAP1_HUMANAntigen peptide transporter 1TAP1, ABCB2, PSF1, RING4, Y3Homo sapiens (Human)748 AA
P13866SC5A1_HUMANSodium/glucose cotransporter 1SLC5A1, NAGT, SGLT1Homo sapiens (Human)664 AA
Q969R5LMBL2_HUMANLethal(3)malignant brain tumor-like protein 2L3MBTL2Homo sapiens (Human)705 AA
Q53GT1KLH22_HUMANKelch-like protein 22KLHL22Homo sapiens (Human)634 AA
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