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UniProtKB 2,465 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
O00422SAP18_HUMANHistone deacetylase complex subunit SAP18SAP18, GIG38Homo sapiens (Human)153 AA
O00453LST1_HUMANLeukocyte-specific transcript 1 proteinLST1, B144Homo sapiens (Human)97 AA
O00746NDKM_HUMANNucleoside diphosphate kinase, mitochondrialNME4, NM23DHomo sapiens (Human)187 AA
O00762UBE2C_HUMANUbiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 CUBE2C, UBCH10Homo sapiens (Human)179 AA
O14519CDKA1_HUMANCyclin-dependent kinase 2-associated protein 1CDK2AP1, CDKAP1, DOC1Homo sapiens (Human)115 AA
O14933UB2L6_HUMANUbiquitin/ISG15-conjugating enzyme E2 L6UBE2L6, UBCH8Homo sapiens (Human)153 AA
O15511ARPC5_HUMANActin-related protein 2/3 complex subunit 5ARPC5, ARC16Homo sapiens (Human)151 AA
O15540FABP7_HUMANFatty acid-binding protein, brainFABP7, BLBP, FABPB, MRGHomo sapiens (Human)132 AA
O43521B2L11_HUMANBcl-2-like protein 11BCL2L11, BIMHomo sapiens (Human)198 AA
O43598DNPH1_HUMAN5-hydroxymethyl-dUMP N-hydrolaseDNPH1, C6orf108, RCLHomo sapiens (Human)174 AA
O43914TYOBP_HUMANTYRO protein tyrosine kinase-binding proteinTYROBP, DAP12, KARAPHomo sapiens (Human)113 AA
O75365TP4A3_HUMANProtein tyrosine phosphatase type IVA 3PTP4A3, PRL3Homo sapiens (Human)173 AA
O75379VAMP4_HUMANVesicle-associated membrane protein 4VAMP4Homo sapiens (Human)141 AA
O75438NDUB1_HUMANNADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 beta subcomplex subunit 1NDUFB1Homo sapiens (Human)58 AA
O75838CIB2_HUMANCalcium and integrin-binding family member 2CIB2, KIP2Homo sapiens (Human)187 AA
O75884RBBP9_HUMANSerine hydrolase RBBP9RBBP9, BOG, RBBP10Homo sapiens (Human)186 AA
O75935DCTN3_HUMANDynactin subunit 3DCTN3, DCTN22Homo sapiens (Human)186 AA
O95139NDUB6_HUMANNADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 beta subcomplex subunit 6NDUFB6Homo sapiens (Human)128 AA
O95169NDUB8_HUMANNADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 beta subcomplex subunit 8, mitochondrialNDUFB8Homo sapiens (Human)186 AA
O95298NDUC2_HUMANNADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 subunit C2NDUFC2, HLC1Homo sapiens (Human)119 AA
O95415BRI3_HUMANMembrane protein BRI3BRI3Homo sapiens (Human)125 AA
O95670VATG2_HUMANV-type proton ATPase subunit G 2ATP6V1G2, ATP6G, ATP6G2, NG38Homo sapiens (Human)118 AA
O95990F107A_HUMANActin-associated protein FAM107AFAM107A, DRR1, TU3AHomo sapiens (Human)144 AA
O96000NDUBA_HUMANNADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 beta subcomplex subunit 10NDUFB10Homo sapiens (Human)172 AA
P00374DYR_HUMANDihydrofolate reductaseDHFRHomo sapiens (Human)187 AA
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