UniProtKB 8 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
A0A0B5GD29A0A0B5GD29_PECTAHeat shock transcription factor Y linkedHSFYPecari tajacu (Collared peccary) (Tayassu tajacu)339 AA
A0A0B5GGA6A0A0B5GGA6_PHAAFHeat shock transcription factor Y linkedHSFYPhacochoerus africanus (Warthog)339 AA
A0A0B5GNB2A0A0B5GNB2_SUSCLHeat shock transcription factor Y linkedHSFYSus celebensis (Celebes wild boar) (Sulawesi warty pig)339 AA
A0A0B5GNA7A0A0B5GNA7_BABBAHeat shock transcription factor Y linkedHSFYBabyrousa babyrussa (Babirusa)339 AA
A0A0B5GP19A0A0B5GP19_BABBAHeat shock transcription factor Y linkedHSFYBabyrousa babyrussa (Babirusa)339 AA
A0A0B5GSV4A0A0B5GSV4_PECTAHeat shock transcription factor Y linkedHSFYPecari tajacu (Collared peccary) (Tayassu tajacu)339 AA
A0A0B5GP26A0A0B5GP26_SUSCLHeat shock transcription factor Y linkedHSFYSus celebensis (Celebes wild boar) (Sulawesi warty pig)339 AA
A0A0B5GSW1A0A0B5GSW1_TAYPEHeat shock transcription factor Y linkedHSFYTayassu pecari (White-lipped peccary)333 AA
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