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UniProtKB 9 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
A0A6B0R3G9A0A6B0R3G9_9CETAHomeobox domain-containing proteinE5288_WYG011039Bos mutus (wild yak)731 AA
A0A8C2AGX1A0A8C2AGX1_CYPCAEven-skipped homeobox 2Cyprinus carpio (Common carp)715 AA
A0A9W2YDM3A0A9W2YDM3_BIOGLHomeotic protein caudal-like isoform X1LOC106074620Biomphalaria glabrata (Bloodfluke planorb) (Freshwater snail)611 AA
A0AAE2D394A0AAE2D394_SCHMEHomeobox domain-containing proteinMN116_007390Schistosoma mekongi (Parasitic worm)604 AA
A0A8J5MWA3A0A8J5MWA3_HOMAMSegmentation protein even-skipped-likeeve-L, Hamer_G011940Homarus americanus (American lobster)620 AA
A0A914HAU1A0A914HAU1_GLOROSmall nuclear ribonucleoprotein Sm D3Globodera rostochiensis (Golden nematode worm) (Heterodera rostochiensis)705 AA
A0A154P1C2A0A154P1C2_DUFNOSmall ribosomal subunit protein uS13WN55_04562Dufourea novaeangliae (Sweat bee)643 AA
A0A067QQF6A0A067QQF6_ZOONESegmentation protein even-skippedL798_13588Zootermopsis nevadensis (Dampwood termite)637 AA
A0AAD8F7J0A0AAD8F7J0_BIOPFHomeobox even-skipped protein 2Bpfe_017397Biomphalaria pfeifferi (Bloodfluke planorb) (Freshwater snail)609 AA
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