UniProtKB 575,236 results
Group by Enzyme Classification
UniProtKB Entries
Enzyme Classification
- 575,236Top level
- 50,074OxidoreductasesEnzyme Classification ID:1.-.-.-
- 2Acting on a heme group of donors<1%
- 57Acting on a peroxide as acceptor<1%
- 45Acting on a sulfur group of donors<1%
- 109Acting on CH or CH2 groups<1%
- 24Acting on diphenols and related substances as donors<1%
- 12Acting on hydrogen as donors<1%
- 5Acting on iron-sulfur proteins as donors<1%
- 61Acting on NADH or NADPH<1%
- 37Acting on other nitrogenous compounds as donors<1%
- 607Acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen. The oxygen incorporated need not be derived from O21%
- 8Acting on phosphorus or arsenic in donors<1%
- 53Acting on single donors with incorporation of molecular oxygen (oxygenases). The oxygen incorporated need not be derived from O2<1%
- 19Acting on superoxide as acceptor<1%
- 3,822Acting on the aldehyde or oxo group of donors8%
- 133Acting on the CH-CH group of donors<1%
- 58Acting on the CH-NH group of donors<1%
- 102Acting on the CH-NH2 group of donors<1%
- 44,962Acting on the CH-OH group of donors90%
- 10Catalyzing the reaction X-H + Y-H = 'X-Y'<1%
- 3Other oxidoreductases<1%
- 10Oxidizing metal ions<1%
- 3Reducing C-O-C group as acceptor<1%