UniProtKB 5 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
A0A6H1PRG7A0A6H1PRG7_PLASAPeroxiredoxin-5Platichthys stellatus (Starry flounder) (Pleuronectes stellatus)191 AA
A0A514YLT5A0A514YLT5_PAGMAChemokine receptor 4Pagrus major (Red sea bream) (Chrysophrys major)370 AA
A0A2L0E896A0A2L0E896_OPLFAElongation factor 1-alphaOplegnathus fasciatus (Barred knifejaw) (Scaradon fasciatus)455 AA
A0A9E8JXA9A0A9E8JXA9_PAGMATLR8Pagrus major (Red sea bream) (Chrysophrys major)408 AA
A0A8F5B692A0A8F5B692_9ANNEPGRP-S2Perinereis linea168 AA
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