UniProtKB 6 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
A5ABG7PYNI_ASPNCThioesterase pynIpynI, An11g00320Aspergillus niger (strain ATCC MYA-4892 / CBS 513.88 / FGSC A1513)280 AA
A0A179H324LCSE_PURLIProbable thioesterase lcsElcsE, PCL_01814, VFPBJ_02535Purpureocillium lilacinum (Paecilomyces lilacinus)316 AA
A7VMU5AMT4_ALTALThioesterase AMT4AMT4Alternaria alternata (Alternaria rot fungus) (Torula alternata)261 AA
P9WEZ1PYTI_ASPTEThioesterase pytIpytI, ATETN484_0003083900, g7163Aspergillus terreus310 AA
A0A348AXY2KK1J_CURCLProbable thioesterase KK1Jkk1J, TR09, TRAF135009Curvularia clavata307 AA
S3E7P4GLON_GLAL2Probable thioesterase gloNgloN, GLHYD, GLAREA_10032Glarea lozoyensis (strain ATCC 20868 / MF5171)281 AA
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