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UniProtKB 8 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
P07686HEXB_HUMANBeta-hexosaminidase subunit betaHEXB, HCC7Homo sapiens (Human)556 AA
P05165PCCA_HUMANPropionyl-CoA carboxylase alpha chain, mitochondrialPCCAHomo sapiens (Human)728 AA
P06865HEXA_HUMANBeta-hexosaminidase subunit alphaHEXAHomo sapiens (Human)529 AA
O35657NEUR1_MOUSESialidase-1Neu1, NeuMus musculus (Mouse)409 AA
P04040CATA_HUMANCatalaseCATHomo sapiens (Human)527 AA
P11498PYC_HUMANPyruvate carboxylase, mitochondrialPCHomo sapiens (Human)1,178 AA
P08236BGLR_HUMANBeta-glucuronidaseGUSBHomo sapiens (Human)651 AA
P42898MTHR_HUMANMethylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (NADPH)MTHFRHomo sapiens (Human)656 AA
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