UniProtKB 8 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
Q05084ICA69_HUMANIslet cell autoantigen 1ICA1Homo sapiens (Human)483 AA
Q63054ICA69_RATIslet cell autoantigen 1Ica1Rattus norvegicus (Rat)480 AA
A0A087X1C5CP2D7_HUMANPutative cytochrome P450 2D7CYP2D7Homo sapiens (Human)515 AA
O95198KLHL2_HUMANKelch-like protein 2KLHL2Homo sapiens (Human)593 AA
P97411ICA69_MOUSEIslet cell autoantigen 1Ica1, Icap69Mus musculus (Mouse)478 AA
Q3ZEJ8SUB6_TRITOSubtilisin-like protease 6SUB6, ALP1Trichophyton tonsurans (Scalp ringworm fungus)412 AA
F1LZF0KLHL2_RATKelch-like protein 2Klhl2Rattus norvegicus (Rat)593 AA
O08997ATOX1_MOUSECopper transport protein ATOX1Atox1Mus musculus (Mouse)68 AA
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