UniProtKB 10 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
P70180ANPRC_MOUSEAtrial natriuretic peptide receptor 3Npr3Mus musculus (Mouse)536 AA
P22561WT1_MOUSEWilms tumor protein homologWt1, Wt-1Mus musculus (Mouse)449 AA
Q9R0M4PODXL_MOUSEPodocalyxinPodxl, Pclp1Mus musculus (Mouse)503 AA
Q8K3K8OPTN_MOUSEOptineurinOptnMus musculus (Mouse)584 AA
Q61850FOXC2_MOUSEForkhead box protein C2Foxc2, Fkh14, Fkhl14, Mfh1Mus musculus (Mouse)494 AA
P11214TPA_MOUSETissue-type plasminogen activatorPlatMus musculus (Mouse)559 AA
Q61345FOXD1_MOUSEForkhead box protein D1Foxd1, Fkhl8, Freac4, Hfhbf2Mus musculus (Mouse)456 AA
Q9R045ANGL2_MOUSEAngiopoietin-related protein 2Angptl2, Arp2Mus musculus (Mouse)493 AA
Q791G4Q791G4_MOUSEPodocalyxinPodxlMus musculus (Mouse)503 AA
Q7TMG7Q7TMG7_MOUSENatriuretic peptide receptor 3Npr3Mus musculus (Mouse)535 AA
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