UniProtKB 6 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
O60882MMP20_HUMANMatrix metalloproteinase-20MMP20Homo sapiens (Human)483 AA
P12645BMP3_HUMANBone morphogenetic protein 3BMP3, BMP3AHomo sapiens (Human)472 AA
P49747COMP_HUMANCartilage oligomeric matrix proteinCOMPHomo sapiens (Human)757 AA
P02751FINC_HUMANFibronectinFN1, FNHomo sapiens (Human)2,477 AA
Q9R0G6COMP_MOUSECartilage oligomeric matrix proteinCompMus musculus (Mouse)755 AA
P0DOV2IFI4_MOUSEInterferon-activable protein 204Ifi204Mus musculus (Mouse)619 AA
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