UniProtKB 21 results

P33778H2B1B_HUMANHistone H2B type 1-BH2BC3, H2BFF, HIST1H2BBHomo sapiens (Human)126 AA
P0C1H4H2B5_CHICKHistone H2B 5H2B-VGallus gallus (Chicken)126 AA
P23527H2B1O_HUMANHistone H2B type 1-OH2BC17, H2BFH, H2BFN, HIST1H2BOHomo sapiens (Human)126 AA
Q8N257H2B3B_HUMANHistone H2B type 3-BH2BC26, H2BU1, HIST3H2BBHomo sapiens (Human)126 AA
Q5QNW6H2B2F_HUMANHistone H2B type 2-FH2BC18, HIST2H2BFHomo sapiens (Human)126 AA
P62807H2B1C_HUMANHistone H2B type 1-C/E/F/G/IH2BC4, H2BFL, HIST1H2BC, H2BC6, H2BFH, HIST1H2BE, H2BC7, H2BFG, HIST1H2BF, H2BC8, H2BFA, HIST1H2BG, H2BC10, H2BFK, HIST1H2BIHomo sapiens (Human)126 AA
Q99877H2B1N_HUMANHistone H2B type 1-NH2BC15, H2BFD, HIST1H2BNHomo sapiens (Human)126 AA
Q93079H2B1H_HUMANHistone H2B type 1-HH2BC9, H2BFJ, HIST1H2BHHomo sapiens (Human)126 AA
Q16778H2B2E_HUMANHistone H2B type 2-EH2BC21, H2BFQ, HIST2H2BEHomo sapiens (Human)126 AA
O60814H2B1K_HUMANHistone H2B type 1-KH2BC12, H2BFT, HIRIP1, HIST1H2BKHomo sapiens (Human)126 AA
Q71DI3H32_HUMANHistone H3.2H3C15, HIST2H3A, H3C14, H3F2, H3FM, HIST2H3C, H3C13, HIST2H3DHomo sapiens (Human)136 AA
P06899H2B1J_HUMANHistone H2B type 1-JH2BC11, H2BFR, HIST1H2BJHomo sapiens (Human)126 AA
Q13043STK4_HUMANSerine/threonine-protein kinase 4STK4, KRS2, MST1Homo sapiens (Human)487 AA
P68431H31_HUMANHistone H3.1H3C1, H3FA, HIST1H3A, H3C2, H3FL, HIST1H3B, H3C3, H3FC HIST1H3C, H3C4, H3FB, HIST1H3D, H3C6, H3FD, HIST1H3E, H3C7, H3FI, HIST1H3F, H3C8, H3FH, HIST1H3G, H3C10, H3FK, HIST1H3H, H3C11, H3FF, HIST1H3I, H3C12, H3FJ, HIST1H3JHomo sapiens (Human)136 AA
P84243H33_HUMANHistone H3.3H3-3A, H3.3A, H3F3, H3F3A, PP781, H3-3B, H3.3B, H3F3BHomo sapiens (Human)136 AA
P0C1H5H2B7_CHICKHistone H2B 7H2B-VIIGallus gallus (Chicken)126 AA
P0C1H3H2B1_CHICKHistone H2B 1/2/3/4/6H2B-I, H2B-II, H2B-III, H2B-IV, H2B-VIGallus gallus (Chicken)126 AA
P02281H2B11_XENLAHistone H2B 1.1Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog)126 AA
P68433H31_MOUSEHistone H3.1H3c1, H3a, Hist1h3a, H3c8, H3.1-221, H3g, Hist1h3g, H3c10, H3.1-291, H3h, Hist1h3h, H3c11, H3.1-I, H3i, Hist1h3iMus musculus (Mouse)136 AA
P84228H32_MOUSEHistone H3.2H3c2, H3-53, H3.2, H3b, Hist1h3b, H3c3, H3-143, Hist1h3c, H3c4, H3-B, Hist1h3d, H3c6, H3-F, Hist1h3e, H3c7, H3.2-221, H3f, Hist1h3f, H3c13, H3.2-616, Hist2h3b, H3c14, H3.2-615, Hist2h3c1, Hist2h3ca1, H3c15, H3.2-614, Hist2h3c2, Hist2h3ca2Mus musculus (Mouse)136 AA
P84244H33_MOUSEHistone H3.3H3-3a, H3.3a, H3f3a, H3-3b, H3.3b, H3f3bMus musculus (Mouse)136 AA
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