UniProtKB 7 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
P31266SUH_MOUSERecombining binding protein suppressor of hairlessRbpj, Igkjrb1, Igkrsbp, RbpsuhMus musculus (Mouse)526 AA
Q8R418DICER_MOUSEEndoribonuclease DicerDicer1, Dicer, MdcrMus musculus (Mouse)1,916 AA
Q04887SOX9_MOUSETranscription factor SOX-9Sox9, Sox-9Mus musculus (Mouse)507 AA
P01325INS1_MOUSEInsulin-1Ins1, Ins-1Mus musculus (Mouse)108 AA
P09803CADH1_MOUSECadherin-1Cdh1Mus musculus (Mouse)884 AA
P68369TBA1A_MOUSETubulin alpha-1A chainTuba1a, Tuba1Mus musculus (Mouse)451 AA
O08755HNF6_MOUSEHepatocyte nuclear factor 6Onecut1, Hnf6, Hnf6aMus musculus (Mouse)465 AA
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