UniProtKB 17 results

Q9NP98MYOZ1_HUMANMyozenin-1MYOZ1, MYOZHomo sapiens (Human)299 AA
Q9NPC6MYOZ2_HUMANMyozenin-2MYOZ2, C4orf5Homo sapiens (Human)264 AA
Q9UBF9MYOTI_HUMANMyotilinMYOT, TTIDHomo sapiens (Human)498 AA
Q8WX93PALLD_HUMANPalladinPALLD, KIAA0992, CGI-151Homo sapiens (Human)1,383 AA
Q8IZW8TENS4_HUMANTensin-4TNS4, CTEN, PP14434Homo sapiens (Human)715 AA
Q9NPC3CIP1_HUMANE3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CCNB1IP1CCNB1IP1, C14orf18, HEI10Homo sapiens (Human)277 AA
Q14315FLNC_HUMANFilamin-CFLNC, ABPL, FLN2Homo sapiens (Human)2,725 AA
O94875SRBS2_HUMANSorbin and SH3 domain-containing protein 2SORBS2, ARGBP2, KIAA0777Homo sapiens (Human)1,100 AA
P15311EZRI_HUMANEzrinEZR, VIL2Homo sapiens (Human)586 AA
O75369FLNB_HUMANFilamin-BFLNB, FLN1L, FLN3, TABP, TAPHomo sapiens (Human)2,602 AA
P12814ACTN1_HUMANAlpha-actinin-1ACTN1Homo sapiens (Human)892 AA
Q68CZ2TENS3_HUMANTensin-3TNS3, TEM6, TENS1, TPPHomo sapiens (Human)1,445 AA
P05556ITB1_HUMANIntegrin beta-1ITGB1, FNRB, MDF2, MSK12Homo sapiens (Human)798 AA
P68133ACTS_HUMANActin, alpha skeletal muscleACTA1, ACTAHomo sapiens (Human)377 AA
P15941MUC1_HUMANMucin-1MUC1, PUMHomo sapiens (Human)1,255 AA
P08581MET_HUMANHepatocyte growth factor receptorMETHomo sapiens (Human)1,390 AA
P21333FLNA_HUMANFilamin-AFLNA, FLN, FLN1Homo sapiens (Human)2,647 AA
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