UniProtKB 205,015 results
Group by Gene Ontology
UniProtKB Entries
Gene Ontology
- 205,015Top level
- 24,763extracellular regionGene Ontology ID:GO:0005576
- 2angiogenin-PRI complex<1%
- 2CNTFR-CLCF1 complex<1%
- 3complement component C1 complex<1%
- 3complement component C1q complex<1%
- 2CRLF-CLCF1 complex<1%
- 2,149extracellular membrane-bounded organelle20%
- 12extracellular negative regulation of signal transduction<1%
- 2,149extracellular organelle20%
- 12extracellular regulation of signal transduction<1%
- 4,114extracellular space38%
- 56extracellular transport1%
- 2,148extracellular vesicle20%
- 2hyaluranon cable<1%
- 3mucus layer<1%
- 2perisynaptic space<1%
- 1perivitelline space<1%
- 4pituitary gonadotropin complex<1%
- 32synaptic cleft<1%