UniProtKB 30 results

O43561LAT_HUMANLinker for activation of T-cells family member 1LATHomo sapiens (Human)262 AA
O60609GFRA3_HUMANGDNF family receptor alpha-3GFRA3, UNQ339/PRO538/PRO3664Homo sapiens (Human)400 AA
P01127PDGFB_HUMANPlatelet-derived growth factor subunit BPDGFB, PDGF2, SISHomo sapiens (Human)241 AA
P11487FGF3_HUMANFibroblast growth factor 3FGF3, INT2Homo sapiens (Human)239 AA
Q9GZZ7GFRA4_HUMANGDNF family receptor alpha-4GFRA4Homo sapiens (Human)299 AA
O43320FGF16_HUMANFibroblast growth factor 16FGF16Homo sapiens (Human)207 AA
P04085PDGFA_HUMANPlatelet-derived growth factor subunit APDGFA, PDGF1Homo sapiens (Human)211 AA
P26951IL3RA_HUMANInterleukin-3 receptor subunit alphaIL3RA, IL3RHomo sapiens (Human)378 AA
Q9NP95FGF20_HUMANFibroblast growth factor 20FGF20Homo sapiens (Human)211 AA
O60258FGF17_HUMANFibroblast growth factor 17FGF17, UNQ161/PRO187Homo sapiens (Human)216 AA
P12034FGF5_HUMANFibroblast growth factor 5FGF5Homo sapiens (Human)268 AA
Q5T4W7ARTN_HUMANArteminARTN, EVNHomo sapiens (Human)220 AA
P01589IL2RA_HUMANInterleukin-2 receptor subunit alphaIL2RAHomo sapiens (Human)272 AA
P15509CSF2R_HUMANGranulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor subunit alphaCSF2RA, CSF2R, CSF2RYHomo sapiens (Human)400 AA
P31371FGF9_HUMANFibroblast growth factor 9FGF9Homo sapiens (Human)208 AA
P39905GDNF_HUMANGlial cell line-derived neurotrophic factorGDNFHomo sapiens (Human)211 AA
P55075FGF8_HUMANFibroblast growth factor 8FGF8, AIGFHomo sapiens (Human)233 AA
P62993GRB2_HUMANGrowth factor receptor-bound protein 2GRB2, ASHHomo sapiens (Human)217 AA
O15520FGF10_HUMANFibroblast growth factor 10FGF10Homo sapiens (Human)208 AA
O76093FGF18_HUMANFibroblast growth factor 18FGF18, UNQ420/PRO856Homo sapiens (Human)207 AA
O95750FGF19_HUMANFibroblast growth factor 19FGF19, UNQ334/PRO533Homo sapiens (Human)216 AA
P08620FGF4_HUMANFibroblast growth factor 4FGF4, HST, HSTF1, KS3Homo sapiens (Human)206 AA
P09038FGF2_HUMANFibroblast growth factor 2FGF2, FGFBHomo sapiens (Human)288 AA
P10767FGF6_HUMANFibroblast growth factor 6FGF6, HST2, HSTF2Homo sapiens (Human)208 AA
P15514AREG_HUMANAmphiregulinAREG, AREGB, SDGFHomo sapiens (Human)252 AA
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