UniProtKB 29 results

Q13401PM2P3_HUMANPutative postmeiotic segregation increased 2-like protein 3PMS2P3, PMS2L3, PMS2L9, PMS5, PMSR3Homo sapiens (Human)168 AA
Q58G82SY14L_HUMANPutative synaptotagmin-14-like proteinSYT14P1, SYT14L, SYT14LP1, SYTDEPHomo sapiens (Human)188 AA
A8MUU1FB5L3_HUMANPutative fatty acid-binding protein 5-like protein 3FABP5P3, FABP5L3Homo sapiens (Human)101 AA
P0CE71OCM2_HUMANPutative oncomodulin-2OCM2, OCMNHomo sapiens (Human)109 AA
Q8NEE0KLAS1_HUMANPutative uncharacterized protein KLHL30-AS1KLHL30-AS1, C2orf19Homo sapiens (Human)82 AA
A6NEY8PRXD1_HUMANPutative prolyl-tRNA synthetase associated domain-containing protein 1PRORSD1P, NCRNA00117, PRDXDD1PHomo sapiens (Human)169 AA
D6RBM5U17LN_HUMANPutative ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 23USP17L23Homo sapiens (Human)183 AA
A8MQ11PM2P5_HUMANPostmeiotic segregation increased 2-like protein 5PMS2P5, PMS2L5, PMS4, PMS7Homo sapiens (Human)134 AA
O60397COX7S_HUMANPutative cytochrome c oxidase subunit 7A3, mitochondrialCOX7A2P2, COX7A3, COX7AL2, COX7AP2Homo sapiens (Human)106 AA
Q9H0H9C4F30_HUMANPutative cytochrome P450 family member 4F30CYP4F30P, C2orf14Homo sapiens (Human)118 AA
Q8N535CB052_HUMANPutative uncharacterized protein encoded by LINC00471LINC00471, C2orf52Homo sapiens (Human)108 AA
Q75LS8FKB9L_HUMANPutative FK506-binding protein 9-like proteinFKBP9P1, FKBP9LHomo sapiens (Human)142 AA
P0CL84ST3L2_HUMANPutative STAG3-like protein 2STAG3L2Homo sapiens (Human)134 AA
B1AH88TSPOB_HUMANPutative peripheral benzodiazepine receptor-related proteinTSPO, PBRSHomo sapiens (Human)102 AA
Q6ZV80CB091_HUMANPutative uncharacterized protein LINC02898LINC02898, C2orf91Homo sapiens (Human)131 AA
Q6ZSB3CB046_HUMANPutative uncharacterized protein encoded by LINC00299LINC00299, C2orf46, NCRNA00299Homo sapiens (Human)139 AA
Q75MW2ZN767_HUMANProtein ZNF767ZNF767P, ZNF767Homo sapiens (Human)155 AA
Q96NR7WWAS2_HUMANPutative uncharacterized protein WWC2-AS2WWC2-AS2, C4orf38Homo sapiens (Human)200 AA
Q8TBR4ST3L4_HUMANPutative STAG3-like protein 4STAG3L4Homo sapiens (Human)150 AA
Q9H7B7CG069_HUMANPutative uncharacterized protein PKD1L1-AS1PKD1L1-AS1, C7orf69Homo sapiens (Human)122 AA
P86434AAS1_HUMANPutative uncharacterized protein ADORA2A-AS1ADORA2A-AS1, C22orf45Homo sapiens (Human)159 AA
Q9Y442CV024_HUMANPutative uncharacterized protein YWHAH-AS1YWHAH-AS1, C22orf24Homo sapiens (Human)160 AA
A8MTW9YB043_HUMANPutative uncharacterized protein ENSP00000380674Homo sapiens (Human)85 AA
Q9UHT4YG001_HUMANPutative uncharacterized protein PRO1854PRO1854Homo sapiens (Human)67 AA
A6NC62RAKDN_HUMANPutative RBAK downstream neighbor proteinRBAKDNHomo sapiens (Human)111 AA
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