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UniProtKB 11 results

EntryEntry NameProtein NamesGene NamesOrganismLength
P30052SCAL_DROMEProtein scallopedsd, CG8544Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)440 AA
P40417ERKA_DROMEMitogen-activated protein kinase ERK-Arl, ERKa, MAPK, CG12559Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)376 AA
Q24535SRF_DROMESerum response factor homologbs, Serf, CG3411Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)449 AA
P10734KNIR_DROMEZygotic gap protein knirpskni, NR0A1, CG4717Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)429 AA
Q94918VEIN_DROMEProtein veinvn, ddd, CG10491Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)623 AA
P39770SALM_DROMEHomeotic protein spalt-majorsalm, sal, CG6464Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)1,365 AA
P04412EGFR_DROMEEpidermal growth factor receptorEgfr, c-erbB, DER, top, CG10079Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)1,426 AA
P20350RHOM_DROMEProtein rhomboidrho, Ve, CG1004Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)355 AA
Q9XTN4Q9XTN4_DROMEBrinkerbrk, brinker, BRK, Brk, brk-RA, Dm brk, Dmel\CG9653, ssg-1, CG9653, Dmel_CG9653Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)704 AA
A8Y4W5A8Y4W5_DROMERE73195prl, 12559, BcDNA:RE08694, CG18732, CT34260, CT39192, D-ERK, DERK, dERK, dErk, DERK-A, dm-dpERK, Dmel\CG12559, DmERK, DmErk, DmERK-A, DmERKA, DmMAPK, dp-ERK, DpERK, DpErk, dpERK, dpERk, dpErk, dpERK1, dpMAPK, Dsor2, E(sina)7, EC2-1, EK2-1, ERK, Erk, erk, ERK-A, Erk/Map kinase, Erk1, ERK1/2, Erk1/2, ERKA, ERKa, ErkA, EY2-2, GroupII, l(2)41Ac, l(2R)EMS45-39, MAP-k, MAPK, MapK, Mapk, mapk, p-ERK, pERK, pMAPK, pMapK, RL, Rl, rl-RA, rl/ERK, rl/MAPK, rll, SEM, Sem, sem, SR2-1, Su(Raf)2B, CG12559, Dmel_CG12559Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)190 AA
A0A0B4K7H6A0A0B4K7H6_DROMEAbsent, small, or homeotic discs 2, isoform Eash2, 1124/11, 291.8, 703, ash-2, ASH2, Ash2, Ash2L, Dmel\CG6677, l(3)112411, l(3)S112411, l(3)SG65, mad, CG6677, Dmel_CG6677Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly)220 AA
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