UniProtKB 6 results

Q2PF50Q2PF50_STAAUPenicillin binding protein 2'mecAStaphylococcus aureus668 AA
M1VAN7M1VAN7_CYAM1Probable ATP-dependent transporter ycf16CYME_CMD148CCyanidioschyzon merolae (strain NIES-3377 / 10D) (Unicellular red alga)696 AA
C1PH88C1PH88_STAAUUncharacterized proteinStaphylococcus aureus698 AA
O54286O54286_STAAUBeta-lactam-inducible penicillin-binding proteinmecA, ftsI_2, mecA_1, SAMEA1466929_01222, SAMEA1531744_02174, SAMEA70153168_00945Staphylococcus aureus668 AA
Q7DHH4Q7DHH4_STAAUMecAmecA, mecA_2, ACR74_14870, EP54_07775, EQ90_14470, M1K003_1411, ORF35, R114_07, R15_11, R17_11, R92_07, R95_11, R99_11, SAMEA1531725_02813Staphylococcus aureus668 AA
B0I328B0I328_STAAUPBP2a family beta-lactam-resistant peptidoglycan transpeptidase MecAmecA, GO941_15855, HH313_000042, LB359_14980Staphylococcus aureus669 AA
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