UniProtKB 15,889,386 results
Group by Gene Ontology
UniProtKB Entries
Gene Ontology
- 15,889,386Top level
- 10,938,667molecular_functionGene Ontology ID:GO:0003674
- 55,861antioxidant activity<1%
- 1,614,215ATP-dependent activity8%
- 7,340,064binding37%
- 4,583cargo receptor activity<1%
- 7,661,261catalytic activity38%
- 35,803cytoskeletal motor activity<1%
- 239,716electron transfer activity1%
- 5fusogenic activity<1%
- 14,380general transcription initiation factor activity<1%
- 3membrane bending activity<1%
- 45membrane destabilizing activity<1%
- 120,114molecular adaptor activity1%
- 14,321molecular carrier activity<1%
- 232,440molecular function regulator activity1%
- 352molecular sequestering activity<1%
- 822molecular tag activity<1%
- 253,644molecular transducer activity1%
- 17,609negative regulation of molecular function<1%
- 1,393nutrient reservoir activity<1%
- 272pore-forming activity<1%
- 83,606positive regulation of molecular function<1%
- 127,402protein folding chaperone1%
- 2,868protein-containing complex destabilizing activity<1%
- 116,696regulation of molecular function1%
- 1RNA folding chaperone<1%
- 94,960structural molecule activity<1%
- 4,906toxin activity<1%
- 463,552transcription regulator activity2%
- 157,264translation regulator activity1%
- 1,441,292transporter activity7%