UniProtKB 1,874 results

Q9H0K4RSH6A_HUMANRadial spoke head protein 6 homolog ARSPH6A, RSHL1Homo sapiens (Human)717 AA
Q6ZN84CCD81_HUMANCoiled-coil domain-containing protein 81CCDC81Homo sapiens (Human)652 AA
Q6IQ21ZN770_HUMANZinc finger protein 770ZNF770Homo sapiens (Human)691 AA
Q6ZVF9GRIN3_HUMANG protein-regulated inducer of neurite outgrowth 3GPRIN3, KIAA2027Homo sapiens (Human)776 AA
Q6NSI8SANBR_HUMANSANT and BTB domain regulator of class switch recombinationSANBR, KIAA1841Homo sapiens (Human)718 AA
Q52M93Z585B_HUMANZinc finger protein 585BZNF585BHomo sapiens (Human)769 AA
Q6ZSI9CAN12_HUMANCalpain-12CAPN12Homo sapiens (Human)719 AA
Q96LW1Z354B_HUMANZinc finger protein 354BZNF354BHomo sapiens (Human)612 AA
Q8IW92GLBL2_HUMANBeta-galactosidase-1-like protein 2GLB1L2, MSTP014, UNQ210/PRO236Homo sapiens (Human)636 AA
Q8WU76SCFD2_HUMANSec1 family domain-containing protein 2SCFD2, STXBP1L1Homo sapiens (Human)684 AA
Q7L0X2ERIP6_HUMANGlutamate-rich protein 6ERICH6, C3orf44, FAM194AHomo sapiens (Human)663 AA
Q14586ZN267_HUMANZinc finger protein 267ZNF267Homo sapiens (Human)743 AA
Q9NVR0KLH11_HUMANKelch-like protein 11KLHL11Homo sapiens (Human)708 AA
Q08AN1ZN616_HUMANZinc finger protein 616ZNF616Homo sapiens (Human)781 AA
Q8N1W2ZN710_HUMANZinc finger protein 710ZNF710Homo sapiens (Human)664 AA
Q96MR9ZN560_HUMANZinc finger protein 560ZNF560Homo sapiens (Human)790 AA
Q8NCI6GLBL3_HUMANBeta-galactosidase-1-like protein 3GLB1L3Homo sapiens (Human)653 AA
Q9NWL6ASND1_HUMANAsparagine synthetase domain-containing protein 1ASNSD1, NS3TP1, Nbla00058Homo sapiens (Human)643 AA
Q6ZMW2ZN782_HUMANZinc finger protein 782ZNF782Homo sapiens (Human)699 AA
Q9UL59ZN214_HUMANZinc finger protein 214ZNF214, BAZ1Homo sapiens (Human)606 AA
Q6NUN7JHY_HUMANJhy protein homologJHY, C11orf63Homo sapiens (Human)778 AA
Q8N972ZN709_HUMANZinc finger protein 709ZNF709Homo sapiens (Human)641 AA
Q6UWU2GLB1L_HUMANBeta-galactosidase-1-like proteinGLB1L, UNQ229/PRO262Homo sapiens (Human)654 AA
Q14588ZN234_HUMANZinc finger protein 234ZNF234, ZNF269Homo sapiens (Human)700 AA
Q3MIS6ZN528_HUMANZinc finger protein 528ZNF528, KIAA1827Homo sapiens (Human)628 AA
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