UniProtKB 17,536 results

E4ZUJ1RTC5_LEPMJRestriction of telomere capping protein 5RTC5, Lema_P114850.1Leptosphaeria maculans (strain JN3 / isolate v23.1.3 / race Av1-4-5-6-7-8) (Blackleg fungus) (Phoma lingam)623 AA
E5ABQ8AMPP1_LEPMJProbable Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase PAMPP, Lema_P022290Leptosphaeria maculans (strain JN3 / isolate v23.1.3 / race Av1-4-5-6-7-8) (Blackleg fungus) (Phoma lingam)605 AA
E5R5D9UTP25_LEPMJU3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 25UTP25, Lema_P048150.1Leptosphaeria maculans (strain JN3 / isolate v23.1.3 / race Av1-4-5-6-7-8) (Blackleg fungus) (Phoma lingam)741 AA
E5A2Z3NOP9_LEPMJNucleolar protein 9NOP9, Lema_P094150.1Leptosphaeria maculans (strain JN3 / isolate v23.1.3 / race Av1-4-5-6-7-8) (Blackleg fungus) (Phoma lingam)712 AA
E5A7E3ABL7_LEPMJAbscisic acid cluster transcription factor abl7abl7, LEMA_P087770.1Leptosphaeria maculans (strain JN3 / isolate v23.1.3 / race Av1-4-5-6-7-8) (Blackleg fungus) (Phoma lingam)601 AA
D5GAC6AMPP1_TUBMMProbable Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase PAMPP, GSTUM_00005237001Tuber melanosporum (strain Mel28) (Perigord black truffle)619 AA
E5AE35MFS_LEPMJPhomenoic acid biosynthesis cluster MFS-type transporterMFS, LEMA_P002610.1Leptosphaeria maculans (strain JN3 / isolate v23.1.3 / race Av1-4-5-6-7-8) (Blackleg fungus) (Phoma lingam)628 AA
A7EXE6AT222_SCLS1Autophagy-related protein 22-2atg22-2, SS1G_10007Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (strain ATCC 18683 / 1980 / Ss-1) (White mold) (Whetzelinia sclerotiorum)671 AA
A7E4T8AMPP1_SCLS1Probable Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase Pampp, SS1G_00310Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (strain ATCC 18683 / 1980 / Ss-1) (White mold) (Whetzelinia sclerotiorum)601 AA
A7E727IML2_SCLS1Inclusion body clearance protein iml2iml2, SS1G_01103Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (strain ATCC 18683 / 1980 / Ss-1) (White mold) (Whetzelinia sclerotiorum)645 AA
A7ETB3MDV1_SCLS1Mitochondrial division protein 1mdv1, SS1G_08568Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (strain ATCC 18683 / 1980 / Ss-1) (White mold) (Whetzelinia sclerotiorum)667 AA
A7EZP8UTP25_SCLS1U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 25utp25, SS1G_10815Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (strain ATCC 18683 / 1980 / Ss-1) (White mold) (Whetzelinia sclerotiorum)724 AA
A7F9L8PRM1_SCLS1Plasma membrane fusion protein prm1prm1, SS1G_14299Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (strain ATCC 18683 / 1980 / Ss-1) (White mold) (Whetzelinia sclerotiorum)795 AA
A7ERK2COG6_SCLS1Conserved oligomeric Golgi complex subunit 6COG6, SS1G_07956Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (strain ATCC 18683 / 1980 / Ss-1) (White mold) (Whetzelinia sclerotiorum)670 AA
B0DZL3AMPP1_LACBSProbable Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase PAMPP, LACBIDRAFT_315028Laccaria bicolor (strain S238N-H82 / ATCC MYA-4686) (Bicoloured deceiver) (Laccaria laccata var. bicolor)642 AA
A6SP81ACUK_BOTFBTranscription activator of gluconeogenesis BC1G_14637BC1G_14637, BCIN_16g00520Botryotinia fuckeliana (strain B05.10) (Noble rot fungus) (Botrytis cinerea)693 AA
A6RPU8RPC3_BOTFBDNA-directed RNA polymerase III subunit rpc3rpc82, rpc3, BC1G_02471, BCIN_02g02530Botryotinia fuckeliana (strain B05.10) (Noble rot fungus) (Botrytis cinerea)666 AA
A6S3R7AT222_BOTFBAutophagy-related protein 22ATG22, BC1G_07239, BCIN_07g04640Botryotinia fuckeliana (strain B05.10) (Noble rot fungus) (Botrytis cinerea)672 AA
Q5V9L7PALH_BOTFBpH-response regulator protein palH/RIM21palH, BC1G_07501, BCIN_08g03640Botryotinia fuckeliana (strain B05.10) (Noble rot fungus) (Botrytis cinerea)744 AA
A6RT94UTP25_BOTFBU3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 25UTP25, BC1G_03830, BCIN_04g05800Botryotinia fuckeliana (strain B05.10) (Noble rot fungus) (Botrytis cinerea)723 AA
A6S374NOP9_BOTFBNucleolar protein 9NOP9, BC1G_06925, BCIN_02g09180Botryotinia fuckeliana (strain B05.10) (Noble rot fungus) (Botrytis cinerea)791 AA
A6SEV8PRM1_BOTFBPlasma membrane fusion protein prm1prm1, BC1G_10779, BCIN_14g05420Botryotinia fuckeliana (strain B05.10) (Noble rot fungus) (Botrytis cinerea)794 AA
Q179T2MUT7_AEDAEExonuclease mut-7 homologAAEL005527Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) (Culex aegypti)719 AA
Q17FB8GLT25_AEDAEGlycosyltransferase 25 family memberAAEL003481Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) (Culex aegypti)607 AA
Q17JQ7CTL1L_AEDAECholine transporter-like 1Ctl1, AAEL001935Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) (Culex aegypti)689 AA
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